
Conference Talks

Hear from respected physicians as they present the latest data and share experiences on important breast cancer topics.

ASBrS Conference 2024

My Experience with the new Sentimag Platform

Dr. Michael Alvarado

Magnetic Seed vs Guidewire Localisation with Magnetic Lymph Node detection

Dr. Andreas Karakatsanis

Utilise the Full Potential of the Sentimag Platform

Dr. Patrick Borgen

Magtrace in NAC Patients

Mr. Michael Boland

SFCO Conference 2023 [French]

Clipper le Ganglion Métastatique Initial et Mieux Repérer les Lésions du Sein Non Palpables

Identification Magnétique des Lésions Mammaires Non Palpables

Identification Magnétique Initiale du Ganglion Lymphatique N1 au Cours du Traitement Néoadjuvant

Utilisation de la Flexibilité Unique de Magtrace (BGS)

London Regional Meeting 2023

MagTOTAL, a Concept and Trial

Dr. Andreas Karakatsanis

ESSO Conference 2023

Management of the Axilla: Master TAD with Magseed

Mr. Ash Kothari, Prof. Thorsten Kühn, Prof. Michael Alvardao & Mr. Peter Barry

A Complete Magnetic Approach for TAD with Sentimag

Prof. Michael Alvarado

AXSANA Data for TAD with Magseed

Prof. Thorsten Kühn

ESSO Conference 2022

The importance of Magseed and Magtrace in tailored post-NAC axilla management

The AXSANA Trial

Using Magseed and Magtrace Together

Panelists on stage at ESSO

Total Magnetic TAD Approach

The Beauty of CEDM

Preferred Tracer Injection Site

AIBC Conference 2022

Panelists at AIBC

Full AIBC Symposium

Michael Alvarado presenting

Official Programme - The Case for Magseed

iBRA-NET presentation

Results from Magseed iBRA-NET Study

Mr Rajiv Dave

Jill Dietz presenting at AIBC

Advantages of Switching to Magtrace for SLNB

Jill Dietz, MD,

Michael Alvarado delivering presentation at AIBC

A Complete Magnetic Approach for TAD

Michael Alvarado, MD

Panelists at AIBC

AIBC Symposium - Panel Discussion

ASBrS Conference 2022

Title screen of Part1 of the symposium

Controversies in Breast and Axilla Surgical Guidance - Part 1

Title screen for part 2 of symposium

Controversies in Breast and Axilla Surgical Guidance - Part 2

Panelists on stage at ASBrS symposium

Why Switch from Wires?

Lucy De La Cruz on stage

Experiences with Seed Technologies

Bridget Killilea on stage

Making the Case for a Seed Program

Stefan Paepke on stage

Axillary Node Marking

Michael Alvarado on stage

Magtrace in the Axilla

San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2021

Cover page for presentation

Baylor College: An institutional perspective on Magseed and Magtrace

ATNEC Training Webinar 2021

'What is a Magseed' slide

Axillary Node Marking with Magseed

Mr. Peter Barry

ATNEC presentation slide

Magseed for TAD Q&A

Mr. Peter Barry

ATNEC presentation slide

The Aberdeen Experience

Miss. Beatrix Elsberger

ATNEC presentation slide

Full Webinar

Mr. Peter Barry

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2021

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2021 presentation slide

Why Breast Cancer Affects Black Women More Aggressively

Dr. Olubukola Ayodele

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2021 presentation slide

Supporting Greater Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Baroness Delyth Morgan

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2021 presentation slide

Busting Myths Around Black Women and Breast Cancer

Dr. Angela Esiwe & Ms. Sarah Adomah

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2021 presentation slide

Reducing Recurrence Risk Through Diet and Lifestyle

Ms. Toral Shah

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2021 presentation slide

The Power of Communication

Ms. Ada Offonry

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2021 presentation slide

The Wellness Session: Complimentary Therapies

Ms. Charlotte Crowl

Kenya Health Alliance Event 2021

Kenya Health Alliance presentation slide

Tissue Localisation in One Platform

Dr. Marek Ostrowski

Kenya Health Alliance presentation slide

The MDT Online

Dr. Marek Ostrowski

Kenya Health Alliance presentation slide

Kenya Breast Alliance Presentation (Full)

Dr. Marek Ostrowski

London Breast Meeting 2021

London Breast Meeting 2021 presentation slide

Innovations in Breast and Axilla Localisation

Mr. Edward St John

London Breast Meeting 2021 presentation slide

Non-BRCA Gene Mutations

Dr. Vishakha Tripathi

London Breast Meeting 2021 presentation slide

Targeted Axillary Surgery

Dr. Christoph Tausch

London Breast Meeting 2021 presentation slide

Robotics in Reconstructive Microsurgery

Prof. Marco Innocenti

London Breast Meeting 2021 presentation slide

My Innovation Journey

Prof. JP Hong

iBreastBook Webinar 2021

iBreastBook webinar slide 2021

Magtrace in NACT Axilla

Dr. Stefan Paepke

ASBrS Virtual Conference Magseed Symposium 2021

Virtual ASBrS 2021 presentation slide

Latest TAD data and MAGELLAN

Dr. Abigail Caudle

Virtual ASBrS 2021 presentation slide

iBRA-NET Study Results

Mr. Rajiv Dave

Virtual ASBrS 2021 presentation slide

Virtual ASBrS Q&A

Dr. Anne Peled, Dr. Patrick Borgen & Prof. Alastair Thompson

Virtual ASBrS 2021 presentation slide

Full Symposium ASBrS

Dr. Anne Peled

ASBrS Virtual Conference Magtrace Symposium 2021

Virtual ASBrS 2021 presentation slide

The Evolution of Magtrace®

Dr. Andreas Karakatsanis

Virtual ASBrS 2021 presentation slide

Q&A Session

Dr. Shawna Willey, Dr. Andreas Karakatsanis, Dr. Lisa Spiguel & Prof. Michael Alvarado

Virtual ASBrS 2021 presentation slide

Full Symposium ASBrS

Symposium Mammographicum 2021

Symposium Mammographicum presentation slide

Magnetic Node Marking at The Royal Marsden

Ms. Victoria Sinnett

Symposium Mammographicum presentation slide

The MD Anderson TAD Radiology Experience

Dr. Marion Scoggins

Symposium Mammographicum presentation slide

Symposium Mammographicum - Full Session

iBRA-NET 2021

iBRA-NET 2021 presentation slide

iBRA-NET Findings Introduction

Mr. James Harvey

iBRA-NET 2021 presentation slide

An In-Depth Look at the Study Results

Mr. Rajiv Dave

iBRA-NET 2021 presentation slide

Roundtable Q&A

Dr. Kelly Hunt & Prof. Michael Alvarado

iBRA-NET 2021 presentation slide

iBRA-NET Results - Full Webinar

iBreastBook Webinar 2021

iBreastBook webinar presentation slide 2021

More Than Just Seed Localization

Dr. Jill Dietz

iBreastBook webinar presentation slide 2021

Magnetic Node Marking at The Royal Marsden

Mr. Peter Barry

iBreastBook webinar presentation slide 2021

Future Proofing in Uncertain Times with Magtrace

Ms. Kate Williams

iBreastBook webinar presentation slide 2021

Four Techniques in One Platform

Mathew Stephens

SEGO 2020

SEGO presentation being delivered virtually by Michael Alvarado

Targeted Axillary Dissection (Spanish)

Prof. Michael Alvarado

EBCC 2020

EBCC 2020 presentation being delivered virtually by Abigail Caudle

Management of the Axilla after NAC

Dr. Abigail Caudle

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

The most fatal health issue for African American Women

Ms. Ricki Fairley

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

Improving medical education around Black Women in the US

Dr. Monique Gary

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

Why do Black Women have worse outcomes?

Ms. Georgette Oni

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

Sharing patient experiences - Black Women Rising

Ms. Jennifer Cronje

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

Global perspectives on breast cancer

Dr. Miriam Mutebi

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

Breast Cancer Now: A vision for 2050

Baroness Delyth Morgan

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

Genetic testing for BRCA in BAME cohorts

Dr. Emma Wilson

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

Disparities in Australia's breast cancer care

Dr. Emilia Dauway

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

A structure for improved breast cancer care in Kenya

Mr. Rajiv Dave

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

Let's Talk About... Part One

Ms. Georgette Oni

Black Women and Breast Cancer 2020 presentation slide

Let's Talk About... Part Two

Ms. Georgette Oni

ABS Webinar 2020

ABS 2020 presentation slide

Introducing the iBRA-NET Study

Mr. James Harvey

ABS 2020 presentation slide

Magseed Data from 3,000 Placements

Mr. Paul Thiruchelvam

ABS 2020 presentation slide

Lessons Learned from Texas

Prof. Alastair Thompson

ABS 2020 presentation slide

ABS 2020 Full Webinar

Orbs 2017

Abigail Caudle at Orbs

The case for TAD

Dr. Abigail Caudle