Product Insight: Magseed®
Hear why Magseed is the preferred choice for lesion localisations around the world.
Transitioning to Magseed
Dr. Ashley Simpson
Uncoupling Radiology and Surgery with Magseed
Dr. Abigail Caudle
Transitioning from Radioseeds to Magseed
Dr. Emilia Dauway
Reliable Teaching with Magseed
Dr. Lucy De La Cruz
Advantages of Magseed for Lesion Localisation
Dr. Patrick Borgen
Better Precision with Magseed
Dr. Janette Gomez
Magseed as a Replacement to Wires or RSL
Dr. Abigail Caudle & Dr. Michael Alvarado
Expereince with Radioactive Seeds
Dr. Kandace McGuire
Importance of screening and using Magseed
Laura Heraghty
Retrieval Ease of Magseed
Dr. Lucy De La Cruz
Positive Patient Feedback for Magseed
Dr. Ramya Pham
Lesion Localisation made Easy with Magseed
Dr. Heather Greenwood
Placing Magseed in the Breast
Mrs. Victoria Sinnet
Benefits of Magseed for Radiologists
Dr. Nina Klein
Moving from Wires to Magseed
Dr. Tammy De La Melena
Magseed has Better Accuracy and Control than Wires
Prof. Bruce Man
Magseed vs Wireless Localisation Systems
Dr. Janette Gomez
Reducing Patient Anxiety with Magseed
Umaymah Nisar
A New Technology to Improve Patient Care
Ruth Riley & Dr. Julian Kim